Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Half Marathon Crazy

Two half marathons in less than a month, that will be the longest race distances I will have done consecutively in such a short period of time.

Race #1:
My fabulous co-workers and I have eagerly signed up two teams to compete in the Harvest Moon triathlon relay on September 11th. Stu and I will be the anchors, rounding out the running legs for both teams, the distance:13.1 miles.

I figured this was the motivation I need to get serious about training again and gear up to shatter my time from last year's not so stellar performance at the Rock 'n' Roll Denver half marathon.

Race #2: Rock 'n' Roll Denver, October 9th.

Now, all we have to do is actually get on the road and start building our miles. My current base mileage should allow me to reach 10 to 12 miles comfortably in 33 days, which will bode okay for the 13.1 mile race, just don't expect a personal best from me this time since I will be focusing more on distance than speed for the Harvest Moon race.

Enjoy the next few weeks as we embark on our quest to 13.1!

It should be fun. The fiance will be here in one week to join me on my long runs and Mars, our dog, to keep us company on the regular short runs. Can't Wait!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so amazing!! If only you could be here to hold my hand and get me in shape! I can't wait to hear all about the Harvest Moon adventure!
